Sunday, October 9, 2016

What is Wrong with Media?

CNN, one of the most viewed news websites in the world has this as their headline when you bring up their website:
What they are referring to is a sexist tape of a private conversation from 2005 Trump had as well as other conversations he allegedly had about other women such as his daughter. Personally I feel what he said over a decade ago in private conversations should not be relevant in this election. In fact, nobody should ever be held responsible for something they say in a private conversation. If every conversation anyone has ever had became public, I am certain nobody would have any friends in the world. We all say things just to say them or joke around, or maybe because thats just the mood we are in, however it does not mean that is how we truly feel. (I am not defending his comments in any way, just the fact that it was a private conversation.)

This is not my problem with the media. My problem is that this past year, our country has done nothing but talk about the upcoming election. Most of the time, it isn't even about the issues, just the persons running for office. If you want to see how a person stands on a position, you actually have to go to their website to find a factual answer since the media doesn't cover it. All they do is post headlines. "Can Trump save Trump?" What does that even mean? The media is so focused on this fiasco we call an election that they are forgetting to cover something very important, the news. 

From October 5 through October 11, Russia has placed half a million people into their nuclear shelter system as a test. Why would a country do this? TO SEE IF THEY ARE PREPARED FOR A NUCLEAR WAR. Russia has done nothing but poke the United States over the past year, flying into our airspace, getting unnecessarily close to our aircrafts and ships. The world is laughing in our faces because all we seem to care about is this election. By election, I mean the two people running for office and their personal lives. 

This is not the only thing the media has failed to cover. The media has not covered our increasing position in the Middle East. Troops are being sent to Iraq to inspect the old bases and to see what needs fixing up. Further, troops will be sent to actually fix up the bases. I know this because my father's old unit and his friends are the ones being sent to do this job. 

The media needs to stop caring about what Trump said ten years ago, and start caring about the things that actually matter in the world. They are doing an injustice to the citizens of the United States by not informing them about the actual news. 

- Eric

"CNN - Breaking News, Latest News and Videos." CNN. Cable News Network, n.d. Web. 09 Oct. 2016.


  1. I really enjoyed this post because of its relevance to the issues with this election. Like you, I also have a problem with the media and the Democratic Party exploiting this private conversation. I cannot defend the comments Trump made. They were in poor taste. However, the conversation was with a friend of his and he did not know he was being recorded. Can anyone say they have not said things behind close doors that they don't regret? I'm 101% sure that Hillary has said things in private that she regrets. Rather than focus on controversies from years ago, the media should focus on the political issues that the candidates want to challenge in the election.

    1. I completely agree with you and I'm glad you enjoyed this blog post! Thank You!
