Meet The Team

Welcome to our blog!
We are a group of three freshman at MSU that have come together with the common theme of wanting to make a difference in the community. In this blog we will discuss how we can accomplish this goal based off of our individual interests within our majors of Political Science and Psychology. Below, you will get to know each of our team members and get a glimpse into our views of how certain actions and events can change the community.

Meet our Key Players!

Hi! My name is Eric. I am majoring in Political Science with a minor in Military Science through the Army ROTC program. Throughout this blog, I will be writing about making a difference in the world physically through the Army and legislatively through the eyes of the government and politicians around the world.

Hi! My name is Jenna and I am majoring in Psychology with a possible double major in Business. My blog posts will view changing the world through the eyes of teachers. This profession essentially holds the fate of the world for future generations by the class schedules and life lessons that they teach.   

Hi! My name is Riley and as of now I’m studying Political Science with the hopes of impacting the communities that surround me. My blog posts will mainly be focused around the science of the government and the actions taken by these actors that affect the country and really, the reality we live in today.

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