Sunday, November 20, 2016

People Need to Grow Up

On November 8, 2016, Donald Trump was elected to be President of the United States. After a year and a half of primaries and debates, Trump won the election against Hillary Clinton. The results shocked the nation, but the reaction was completely unexpected. The same people who claimed that Trump incites violence, that he will ruin American, that he must accept the results of the election, are in protest that he won. Ironically, they are the ones inciting violence as well as not accepting the results of the election. Trump has not even been inaugurated as the president and people will not give him a chance and are demanding he be impeached. These people say how they are ashamed in America for voting for this man. Well, America should be ashamed that these people are their citizens. They did not get what they wanted so now they will throw a temper tantrum hoping for a change which will certainly not come. In six months, if you do not like the way Trump is conducting his presidency, fine, protest, but at least give the man a chance. From the moment he was elected he has been trying to united the country, but nobody is listening. President Obama needs to make a speech to stop the protests, yes we have freedom of speech, but it is that freedom which will tear this country apart without giving the president elect a fair chance.
My Facebook feed is filled with friends all voicing their opinions on the election, most of which die hard democrats crying that they didn't get their way. Shocker that the kids from New York were told no for the first time in their lives. In disgusts me to read these post because it shows that these people have to sense of reality, as well as no faith in the way our democracy works. The reason the electoral college exist is for equal representation from each state, this way states like New York and California can't sway an election using their mass populations. Our democracy is set up on a checks and balance system, so no president can do anything that will directly impact our safety or our constitutional rights. Lastly, people need to realize that the Republican Party won Congress and the Senate. This clearly proves that Trump winning this election was no mistake and would happen again if the election was re-held. The people wanted change and change is what they got.



  1. I one hundred percent agree that about the protests. I have one main comment about the electoral college though (and don't think I was upset about the election, I wasn't). I can definitely see how a popular vote would be heavily influenced by the more populated states. However, isn't it unfair that with the EC, certain people's vote matters more than others. I've been thinking about it a lot, and I feel like depending on the population to elector ratio in your state, your vote might count for more in one state rather than another. Is it still the best option?

    1. Thank you for your comment. I believe it still is. Our system is not perfect, none is, but our founding fathers put the EC in place because they actually feared democracy. They feared tyranny and if it was a direct vote, which some argue for, a clan of 50% + 1 person could control the country. The EC's purpose is to be representative of the country. I believe all votes matter, no matter location. This all goes back to Arrow's Theorem, which says that no voting system is perfect. There will always be flaws, but the positives of the EC out weigh the alternatives, I believe. So in my opinion, I do still believe it is the best option.
