Sunday, November 13, 2016

Prompted Post #4: Politics in News Vs Scholarly Articles

A news article relating to my field generally consists of a lot of opinion based arguments and assumptions. Written by CNN's Jim Acosta, Dana Bash and Tal Kopan, Trump picks Priebus as White House chief of staff, Bannon as top adviser is written as an article which has been summed up all in a title. The article is written directed towards any audience to get their message across very quickly. It is in no way a formal article and can be understood by anyone in a matter of seconds, simply saying what happned then going into what the writes think of this event.

A scholarly article written by a professor in regards to politics is written after much research has been conducted. The author will work on an idea or review a bill numerous times before the process of writing even begins. The article is filled with facts to support the main argument. This piece of writing is done in a very formal way for someone to learn from, not necessarily to be a quick skim over. Scholarly articles are long and contain a mass amount of information, typically teaching the reader something regarding their interests or field.

A scholarly article is without a doubt a better source of information than a news article. They are more though out, studied and supported with facts. They are written with less opinion than anything else and will teach the reader about the topic as well as the current situation.

- Eric


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