Sunday, October 30, 2016

Prompted Post #7: Abortion

To this day, political science has a variety of different definitions associated with it, it just depends on the person you ask that day. According to the Oxford Dictionary though, it’s defined as the branch of knowledge that deals with the state and systems of government; the scientific analysis of political activity and behavior. I know that’s a mouthful so we’ll just say that political science deals with the government and everything that surrounds that.
One word that can always be used to describe this field is controversial, especially when it comes to the policies of the ideological parties that run the government. There are always people that will either love or hate each issue, and one is abortion. The two stances on this issue are pro-life and pro-choice. In this blog, I will lay down the facts of each stance and explain why it’s controversial. Which side you pick is ultimately up to you.

  • believe that the government has an obligation to preserve all human life, regardless of intent, viability or quality-of-life concerns
  • the pro-life ethic is considered to be conservative
  • one quote: "even a non-viable, undeveloped human life is sacred and must be protected by the government"
  • believes that all life is equal in its right to exist
  • A new individual human being begins at fertilization, when the sperm and ovum meet to form a single cell
  • believe that humans have unlimited autonomy with respect to their own reproductive systems, as long as they don't breach the autonomy of others
  • a comprehensive pro-choice position asserts that all of the following must remain legal: celibacy/abstinence & contraception
  • Federal Abortion Ban: abortion becomes illegal in the second trimester of pregnancy
  • individual states have their own laws
  • the pro-choice ethic is considered to be liberal
  • varied views on when a fetus becomes a human life
These two issues are completely opposite of each other, and that's where the debate comes from. People are divided when it comes to: When does a human life start? Is it right? The stance you take deals with your morals and religion could come into play too. This is a very controversial, yet personal topic but there's one point at where both sides agree with each other.
The pro-life and pro-choice movements overlap to an extent in that they share the goal of reducing the number of abortions. They differ with respect to degree and methodology. 
This is a very big, controversial and personal topic that people get really heated about. Whatever stance you take, it's important that you know the facts that each side has to offer so you know that in the end, you are making an informed decision.
NARAL. "Anti-Choice Statements - Pro-Choice Responses :: NARAL Pro-Choice Wisconsin." Anti-Choice Statements - Pro-Choice Responses :: NARAL Pro-Choice Wisconsin. N.p., n.d. Web. 30 Oct. 2016.
National Right to Life. "When Does Life Begin? | National Right to Life." National Right to Life. N.p., n.d. Web. 30 Oct. 2016.
"Political Science - Definition of Political Science in English | Oxford Dictionaries." Oxford Dictionaries. Oxford Dictionaries, n.d. Web. 30 Oct. 2016.
"What Pro-Life vs. Pro-Choice Supporters Believe." News & Issues. N.p., 13 Oct. 2016. Web. 30 Oct. 2016.

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