Sunday, October 2, 2016

Prompted Post #9: The Reality of Congress

Wednesday September 28 was a big day for Congress. First they were able to finally come up with a plan to help aid Flint and their water crisis after months of fighting between parties. Secondly, in a matter of hours, they were able to pass a bill to keep the government operating through December 9, as well as aid 1.1 billion dollars to fight the Zika Virus. This is actually the last big bill Congress needed to take care until after election day. As soon as it passed, you can bet every single one of them took off for their districts to go campaign to keep their jobs.

This kind of makes you think, maybe they just passed the bill to get home. Congress will go months at a time where they don't pass anything, sometimes resulting in a government shutdown just because the two parties couldn't arbitrate with each other. With that being true, it makes sense why they finally agree once it is time for their re-elections. They need to go home and campaign. This shows that the bulk of politicians just care about two things, themselves, and being right.

In reality, this bill could very possibly help eliminate the virus which has already effected millions of people around the world and continues to effect more and more everyday. Congress has the power to change lives, all they need to do is work together. The government is set up on a checks and balances system. Most people think the president holds the power but the way I see it, congress is really the ones that control it. With just a little compromise, they could change the world.

- Eric

Congress Passes Stopgap Government Funding Bill, $1.1b For Zika Fight." Fox News. FOX News Network, 2016. Web. 02 Oct. 2016.


  1. Hello Eric, I found this blog post to be very interesting. First of all, I was unaware that congress had passed a bill to fight the Zika virus or that they had come up with a plan to help aid the flint water crisis, so I am happy to have learned that. Also, I thought that you brought up an interesting perspective about congress. I had never really given much thought into the lives of congress, but this has made me think that politicians really do care only about themselves and being right. It does make sense that they passed the bill simply so that they could go home and campaign. Also, I hope that the Zika bill does eliminate the virus and hopefully in the future, Congress can pass more bills like this one to help change the world.

    1. I'm glad you learned a lot from this post! Thank You!
