Sunday, September 18, 2016

Introduction to Teaching

In this blog post, I am going to give an overview into what the life of a teacher is like. This post will be shorter than my future posts because I am not diving into a specific teaching method just yet. My future posts will contain articles and links to specific teaching resources and articles that I find relevant to my standpoint. Teachers are so crucial to the changing world and I can’t want to tell you all about it!

A teacher is a profession that people hold to an extremely low regard. As a student, I have noticed that the majority of my peers take their teachers for granted, primarily complaining about how awful the workload is. In reality, teachers and professors are there to help you improve your life and more importantly give your future more importance. As I’ve grown older and have moved through more institutions, I’ve realized that my peers have gradually become less and less fond of their teachers and professors. It angers me that students can be so completely  disrespectful to their teachers when all they’re trying to do is educate them; a privilege not everybody has.

The impact a teacher has on the lives of their students is what inspired me to blog about it. My blog posts will mainly focus on elementary school teachers because of their significant impact on building a knowledge baseline for their young students students to later grow on.

A teacher does not teach solely out of their love for children, they’re teaching to lay knowledge groundwork in their student’s brains that their future education will build on. The main takeaway that kindergarten teachers want their students to leave their class with is the ability to write. Kindergarten year is crucial for becoming familiarized with the alphabet, basic sentences, and numbers. All starting points to the next step in schooling. Not only do these teachers have a classroom full of 20-30 moldable little minds, but they hold the fate of the future world their future students will operate.  



  1. I fully concur with this piece. I think if they could be recognized for every successful notable person out there, they would be encouraged to do their best in setting the baseline for their students' academia.
