Sunday, September 25, 2016

Goverment in Our Daily Lives

Did you know that when you watch TV, the government is actually there with you? Well, I don’t mean physically there, but they control what you’re watching. To be more specific The Federal Communications Commission regulates what’s on that TV in front of you.

The point I’m trying to make is that the government is involved in every aspect of our daily lives as citizens. This is not only important to know but to understand the impact the US government has in our lives.

Here is an example of a schedule highlighting the government's effects:

7:30 am. You wake up to your favorite song blaring in your ear because it's time to get up and you know it’s 7:30 in the morning because The National Institute of Standards and Technology keeps official time.
7:35 am. Filling up your water bottle is a necessity in the heat and because of the City Water Department and the regulations put in place, that water will be healthy to drink.
8:00 am. Your classes start and if you go to a public school or public university, the government plays a role in funding that institution.
12:30 pm. It’s lunch time and you really want to know what ingredients are in your microwavable Mac & Cheese, you can just look at the label on it  to find out because the US Food and Drug Administration mandates packaged food to have a label containing information regarding that food or drink.
3:00 pm. Let’s say you want to buy a new shirt, what do you buy it with? You would use the currency of the United States Government to purchase that shirt.
4:00 pm. Time for work! It’s 30 mins away, so using a car is a must, and the only way you can drive is if you have a license, which is an official governmental piece of paper.
Who cares? Why should you care? I’ll tell you why. Knowing the role that government plays in our daily lives is important. Whether we realize it or not, we as a society are impacted by the government with every little thing we do, from buying a Coke to getting dressed in the morning, and by knowing that they have a presence in our lives only makes us better informed citizens.


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