Sunday, September 25, 2016

Create Change, Don't Wait for it

One thing I have noticed is that professional athletes think very highly of themselves. I’m sure I would be the same way if I made millions to play a sport but unless I start playing for the golf team, I don’t think that will ever happen. Anyways, athletes believe they can change things just because of who they are, not by actually doing anything. For example, in recent news San Fransisco 49ers Quarterback Colin Kaepernick is being bombarded with either ridicule or support for kneeling during the National Anthem in protest of black rights and equality in law enforcement. Personally I feel it is wrong to disrespect the flag in protest because it is the same flag that gives you the right to do so. However, being someone who wants to serve a life in the military or government, I may not agree with how Kaepernick is protesting, but I will defend his right to do so as it is protected by the constitution.

Anyways, you can kneel or put your fist in the air like some players have been doing instead, but still you aren’t changing anything. Just because you are a professional athlete doesn’t mean anything will happen by you taking a knee or raising your arm. To change something, you have to actually do something. Take NBA player Iman Shumpert for example. He posted this on Instagram last week attached to a picture of his baby daughter:

"Take a good look at my daughter Iman Tayla Shumpert Jr. The moment she was born was the day I saw the world a lot different. All day I wonder how can I raise her the right way and teach her the right lessons. I can't explain to her what's going on these days between the badge and the people. The badge was made to protect us, not scare us. #stealthefear #stealšŸ”“fear#weprayforpeace For each steal I’m going to donate money and time towards a foundation(s) striding to improve the struggle between the badge and the citizen. I challenge all sponsors and athletes to match these proceeds to contribute to the cause helping families affected by all the killings leaving families and communities traumatized. As big as an awareness Kap has raised by taking a knee and the bravery it took for so many to follow I also understand those that fought for that flag have nothing to do with whats going on in our society today and I no longer believe taking a knee is the answer. This news makes me sick and I am challenging myself to make a difference! #stealthefear #stealšŸ”“fear #weprayforpeace"

It is very simple, don’t wear a t-shirt or make a motion to fight for your cause. Yes, that will get attention, but to make a real difference, put yourself out there. Make the news for doing something to create change, nobody can argue with someone trying to do right in the world.


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